The global ix0d network

A virtual platform connecting at a global scale the Gen X’er senior executives who transition into independent senior management consultants, senior advisors, entrepreneurs, senior executives at boutique consulting firms and who are passionate working with Boards, CEOs and CxOs in areas of strategy, finance, operations, human capital, leadership, organizational change, risk management, governance, and sustainability.

We firmly believe in the power of a global virtual network of Gen X’ers with entrepreneurial ambitions. The network model is designed on the Metcalfe’s law for telecommunications networks, where the value of the network is proportional to the square of the connected users of the network system. The value of the ix0d network is proportional to the experience of the Gen X’ers who join and build the network.

By bringing together Gen X’ers at a global scale, our aim is to make a positive impact on lives of our network partners and for the end customers – the Boards, CEOs and CxOs of the small and mid-market industrial enterprises.

The global ix0d network has two objectives –

  • For individuals, The Gen X’ers help them re-discover, re-imagine income, careers, and work-life balance.
  • For the small and medium sized industrial enterprises, help re-design, re-imagine, re-organize to be future ready, resilient, and adaptive.

Do you have ideas and an ambition to start a new innings as an independent senior management consultant or an entrepreneur in areas of strategy, finance, operations, human capital, leadership, organizational change, risk management, governance and sustainability?

Then we can help you work remotely, achieve the work-life balance and realize your entrepreneurial dreams at a global scale.

Join the network for...


The digital toolkits and assessments to design visionary roadmaps and transformative solutions for future ready industrial or manufacturing enterprise.

Business development resources

The collaterals, digital toolkits, assessments, case studies, insights, proposal templates, virtual expert network that accelerate your business development activities.

Collaborative execution

Collaborate with the peers in your network for executing customer engagements.

Work life balance

You own your destiny, you define your own working hours, you are your own boss, you can work remotely, work from home, no utilization, no chargeability goals, no billing pressures, enjoy flexibility and balance your work as well as personal life.

Jumpstart entrepreneurial journey

Jumpstart your entrepreneurial journey, save time and resources in building products and service offerings, increase market facing and customer facetime.

Smooth career transition

Plan ahead, and gradually transition into an independent management consultant or entrepreneur role backed by a global network.

Productivity & Impact

Demonstrate a minimum 20x return on investment in your time and offerings to your customers, the decision makers and C-level executives.

Building individual brand

White label products in your name, establish your personal brand as a trusted advisor in design of a future ready industrial enterprise.

Income growth

Time is money, increase customer facing productive time for business development, executing work and increasing your billings.

Income generation program for ix0d members

Stepping out of a steady paying job has risks. Setting up a consulting firm or achieving success as an entrepreneur is time consuming. Success is not instant, building an individual brand takes time and investments. We have developed an income generation program for ix0d members that enables the member to make money while maintaining a healthy work life balance.

Business development revenue share

Monetize your access to senior executives and decision makers, earn a % of the revenue from products and programs purchased by end users.

Grow the network

Grow the network, add new partners to the network and earn a % of the revenue from the subscription and products.

Practice/ Industry Leader

Lead and grow a practice or an industry vertical and earn a % of revenue within a region or across the entire network.

Joining the network

The network is as good as the individuals who join and grow the network. Our vision of the network is where each member (node) of the network is independent yet is tightly coupled to the network. The member should be able to draw resources from the network – digital toolkits, assessments, expertise, insights etc. – and contribute to the network – as a product leader, expert, thought leadership, market maker etc.

We do not believe in complimentary access to the network, we believe that the network should be a sum of individuals who are exceptional in designing the future ready industrial enterprises.

Hence, to join the network – 

  • There is an annual subscription fee of $1999/INR149,999 (including taxes) that entitles every member to access to Usecasex0 and AssessFx0 applications. These applications will be white labelled and created in the name of individual members, enabling the member to grow personal brand as an expert designer of future ready industrial enterprise.
  • The member should have experience and expertise working with CxO level executives, have a demonstrated impact, a rolodex of CxO relationships.
  • Motivation to step up, assume leadership roles in growing the network.