The lab, The platform

A virtual collaboration platform for Gen X’ers to develop products and monetize their domain expertise in industrial and manufacturing. The platform enables you to work from home or remotely to design and build SaaS based tools for those who work with Boards, CEOs and CxOs to solve problems in areas of strategy, finance, operations, human capital, leadership, organizational change, risk management, governance and sustainability.

Ideate. Prototype. Design. Build. Test. Launch

Innovation Case Studies

Framework to plot the hidden potential of factory equipment and production lines.

The one page description of a project initiative for the future ready industrial enterprise.

Framework to define the scope and identify the focus of the smart factory design.

If you have the ideas and an ambition to monetize your domain expertise and start a new innings as an entrepreneur, then we can help you work remotely to achieve the work-life balance and realize your entrepreneurial dreams at a global scale.

Use the tool-builder lab for...

Building personal brand

Establish your personal brand globally as a domain expert in design of a future ready industrial enterprise.

Work life balance

You own your destiny, you define your own working hours, you are your own boss, you can work remotely, work from home, enjoy flexibility and balance your work as well as personal life.

Product development

Dedicated cloud based low code development infrastructure and support to ideate, prototype, design, build, test, and launch the product.

Collaborative development

Collaborate with the peers in your network for ideation, prototyping, designing, building, testing, and launching your product.

Billing and accounting

Customer invoicing, payment gateway solution, accounting and service operations support to sell the product license globally and in India.

Legal support

Legal support for intellectual property rights, trademarks, copyright protection, end user license agreements.

Digital marketing

Marketing support to build your visibility and brand through social media engagements on LinkedIn, Google, YouTube and other channels.

Income growth

Revenue share from the products sold through the platform.

Jumpstart entrepreneurial journey

Jumpstart your entrepreneurial journey, save time and resources in building products and service offerings, increase market facing and customer facetime.

How to sign up for the tool-builder lab?

The lab and the innovations produced are as good as the individuals who use the lab to create new ways of solving problems. Our vision of the tool-builder lab is where each member works independently yet collaborates to create innovative tools that help those who work with the Boards, CEOs and CxOs. The tools can be for strategy, operational excellence, risk management, sustainability, compliance, governance, digital transformation, leadership, change management etc. The member should be able to draw resources available to them from the platform as well as enhance the platform’s capabilities as a product leader, domain expert, thought leadership, market maker etc.

We do not believe in complimentary access to the lab, we believe that the tools produced by the lab is work of tool-builders who are exceptional in designing the future ready industrial enterprises.

Hence, to sign up for the lab there is an annual subscription fee that starts at $7999/INR599,999 (including taxes).